Fundraising for Yemen and Rohingya

Our goal was to assist those in need by raising awareness and funds through various projects and events.

Community Fundraising: Impactful Contributions to Rohingya and Yemen Relief

Fundraising for Rohingya

As a core member of the team, I helped raise a total of £66,000 for the Rohingya community through 15 activities. My primary contribution was organizing and leading a family fun day, where I raised over £7,000. This funding was used to build 100 houses in the Rohingya camps in Bangladesh, providing shelter for 800 people. Being part of this project has been an honor, and seeing the direct impact of our efforts brought immense joy and satisfaction. Knowing that our work positively changed lives is a fantastic feeling.

Fundraising for Yemen

Additionally, we raised over £30,000 for the Yemeni community through ten activities. My main event, a family fun day, raised over £4,000. The funds provided medical supplies, food, and shelter to those affected by the conflict in Yemen. We also installed a water tank that supplied thousands of liters of water daily for six months. Contributing to this cause has been deeply fulfilling, knowing we made a difference in the lives of those in desperate need.

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